The Best Day in Sicily–with Fiora Piccione Recensione di Sicilian Demo Cooking Recensito 11 luglio 2019…

If you are interested at the Sicilian Cuisine…
you can try a cooking day with me.
I start with the visit to the fish market where we spend an hour approximately, I will show you some
tipical vegetables in season, the Mediterranean Fish, tasting some sicilian cheese and excellent oil.
Then we go back home, and i will be friendly helpful to explain you with love and passion, how to cook two… three dishes of our region and you can cook with me, all surrounded by an informal setting based on an atmosphere and typically Sicilian hospitality.
At the end there will be the aperitif and lunch.
The Best Day in Sicily–with Fiora Piccione Recensione di Sicilian Demo Cooking Recensito 11 luglio 2019…
An inspiring food adventure with Fiora! ***** As an Aussie foodie we have a passion…
Ingredienti per 4 persone 50g di basilico aromatico con foglie piccole e possibilmente genovese , 1 spicchio di aglio senza il germoglio interno,un pizzico di sale grosso, 5 cucchiai di parmigiano e…
Una frittata facile facile : 6 uova, 2 patate tagliate come volete e fritte, 1…